For any business with technicians working out in the field, choosing a software solution goes way beyond desktop applications. As soon as your employees hit the road to head out on service calls, mobile functionality is a huge component in addressing your business’s needs.

If your operation is looking for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software, you likely have a significant number of field employees, each of whom relies on technology day in and day out to carry out their work effectively and efficiently. When you choose the right mobile solution, it can empower those employees to be more productive, better service your customers and even to get more done.

So what should you look for when it comes to mobile functionality?


Selecting a mobile solution that’s compatible with the right devices and operating systems is absolutely crucial for user adoption and ensuring your solution continues to deliver as time goes on.

The lion’s share of the mobile device operating system market is split between two popular operating systems: iOS and Android. As of September 2022, iOS and Android accounted for 57.82% and 41.89% of mobile operating system market share in the U.S., respectively.1 That’s an astounding 99.71% — which means if your field employees own a personal mobile device, there’s practically a 100% chance that they’re familiar with at least one of these two leading operating systems.

With that familiarity, you’re likely to encounter less resistance from technicians when adopting a new mobile solution, since they’re already accustomed to using devices running those systems. Ideally, you’ll seek out a solution that offers support for both iOS and Android to accommodate a wider range of device types; ServMan by WorkWave made compatibility a key initiative when launching its latest mobile functionality, showcasing the benefits of being both iOS and Android compatible.

Prioritizing compatibility with these market leaders can also prove to be invaluable to safeguarding against obsolescence in the future. While no one knows what the future holds, iOS and Android have composed virtually the entire mobile operating system landscape for over a decade — so it’s a safe bet that they won’t be going away any time soon.

Look & Feel

The best tool is the one that you actually use, and the same is true for an ERP mobile app. The app should be easy to navigate, with simple menus that allow your users to quickly find the information they need without getting lost or overwhelmed. 

You want something that looks modern and professional, but also offers a great user experience. Pay attention to details like font size and color scheme, as well as how intuitively the app is organized. These design elements can make all the difference in terms of user satisfaction and efficiency — a huge deal when your technicians are expected to use the app as part of their job each day.

Additionally, keep in mind that a field service mobile app should be a two-way street. Beyond allowing technicians to access work orders, service histories and customer details while in the field, it should also enable them to enter information to sync with the back office. Ensuring critical items like completed work orders, proof of service images and customer signatures are synchronized in real-time keeps your entire team on the same page.

Data Security

Of course, security is a paramount concern any time that data — whether your business’s or your customers’ — is being input, saved or accessed. While this applies to any software you use across the board, it can be especially poignant when choosing a mobile app.

Many mobile apps rely on cloud storage to access data, so ensuring the app you choose is secure and up to date with the latest industry standards is key. In many cases, your best bet is to choose a software provider that partners with a trusted cloud-hosting provider — often, this might be a familiar name you already know and trust. Be sure to factor in their security measures (both physical and digital), accessibility and recovery features. When you narrow it down to a dependable software provider partnered with a reputable cloud-hosting provider, you’ll know you’ve hit the nail squarely on the head.

As long as you do ample research when selecting a field service mobile app and consider ERP software integration, user experience, usability and data security, you can be sure to get the most out of your investment. With these factors in mind, you can find an ERP mobile app that not only makes your field technicians more efficient, but improves the quality of their workday.

We encourage you to learn more about ServMan by WorkWave’s ERP solution, including our iOS and Android compatible mobile app!


Author Brett Praskach

Brett is a Content Specialist at WorkWave with over a decade of professional writing experience. When he's not glued to his keyboard, he enjoys playing music, reading, playing video games, and just about anything that takes him outdoors.