Field service professionals know the old adage, don’t fix what isn’t broken. But what about not fixing what is broken?

When you ignore a problem, the result is always the same: a bigger problem to fix down the road. If your pest control software isn’t doing all that it should for your business, then it’s no longer the right tool for the job. You can count on bigger problems to develop as time goes on — and they’ll cost you. The sooner you switch to the right software for your business, the better off your business will be today, tomorrow and down the road.

But how do you know when it’s time to switch software?

Your Current Provider Is Unreliable

Technology is constantly changing, but those changes should work in your favor, not against you. If your current software provider is sunsetting — an industry term for discontinuing — programs, services or features that you rely on, it isn’t tough to see that the future might not be so bright with that provider. That goes double if they’re sunsetting features only to replace them with comparable features that cost you more without providing additional benefits.

Additionally, think of how your current software company has handled uncertain times. Did their support suffer during the pandemic? Are they cutting corners trying to stay ahead of the shifting economy? Have you felt your business was getting the attention it deserved when your provider was going through mergers or acquisitions? Have you been suffering from a drop in reliability?

When choosing the right software, be sure to seek out a provider with plenty of industry experience and the track record to match.

You Don’t Have the Features You Want

Functionality is the name of the game when it comes to pest control software, so don’t settle for an option that doesn’t provide the features you need to make the most out of every workday.

Even if your current software was a great fit once upon a time, it’s always worthwhile to consider how it’s addressing your current needs. If your company has grown, how has your software been able — or unable —  to scale along with you? Do they provide features for remaining compliant and handling commercial work? What about the tools you need to address the needs of your multi-unit customers? Does the software work with smart traps and other innovative features that enable you to take on larger accounts without dominating your technicians’ time?

Similarly, think about whether or not you have the control you want over those features. For something as simple as the forms you use in the field, are you able to easily create professional-looking forms that meet your needs in any situation? Or are you only able to use existing forms that you’ve requested from your provider?

You’re Not Getting Insight Into Your Performance

It’s easy to think of software as another tool on your belt, and it truly is. But don’t forget about all of the things software not only could but should do in your office.

When you use software for everything from scheduling and routing to carrying out service and billing customers, there’s a lot of information at play. Keeping things organized is a great start, but a true software solution should position you to put that data to work for you. Seek out software that converts all of that data into insightful information that you can actually use to drive your business decisions moving forward.

Your Current Provider Doesn’t Offer an End-to-End Solution

If you’re using different software for different elements of your business, it means those pieces aren’t working together to create one seamless solution like they should. A true end-to-end solution provides what you need at every step of the business cycle, with integrated partners that allow for additional functionality without the need to toggle between programs or bridge gaps between providers.

With an integrated solution, it’s easy to add functionality that allows you to grow and operate more efficiently without having to manually copy and paste mountains of data or learn a whole new system. Using one end-to-end solution ensures transparency between departments for more comprehensive customer service, all while also simplifying the process any time you need to reach out for support.

You Simply Need More

Recognizing the need for software can be a key step for many pest control businesses, and that step is often followed by honing in on the need for more: a true partnership.

PestPac by WorkWave not only provides users with an end-to-end software solution but also brings them the benefits of 40 years in the pest control industry. As a result, PestPac is a true partner when it comes to growing your business to out-sell, out-service and out-perform your competitors. With the thought leadership necessary to inspire genuine innovation and user communities dedicated to sharing ideas, resources and feedback, PestPac is as committed to your business’s success as you are.

If you’re thinking about switching software providers, consider that eight of the top 10 pest control operators are already using WorkWave products. Ready to join the best in pest? Visit today to learn more!

Author Paula Alves

Paula joined the Marketing team at WorkWave in April 2019. She is currently the Director Product Marketing - Pest, managing all aspects of the product marketing life cycle including campaign development, messaging, promotions, and market research for PestPac, Coalmarch and WorkWave Marketing products. She is dedicated to working closely with the Product, Sales, and other Marketing team members to ensure go-to-market plans and product adoption.