When marketing your pool cleaning business, you may want to try different ways to promote your services to the public. While it may seem somewhat daunting to develop pool service marketing strategies, many outlets are available to expand your marketing presence.

If you’re aiming to be the go-to pool service for the average pool owner’s cleaning needs, you’ll need to implement the most effective strategies to attract customers and keep them coming back. It’s not enough to promise your customers the best pool services. Your business should adapt to changes in technology, so you will need to update your strategies continually.

When coming up with pool service advertising ideas, besides the pricing of your fiberglass pool services, for example, you’ll need to consider different types of venues to reach potential clients. With the right planning, you can create a booming pool cleaning business.

Strategies for Marketing Your Pool Service Business

If you’re not interested in reaching out to professional branding companies to promote your business’s brand, there are ways you can implement your pool service marketing. Regardless of which way you decide to go, take time to try different strategies and see which ones work best for you. 

Start Marketing Locally

If you’re just starting, one of the most effective pool service advertising ideas may be to advertise locally. You will most likely get your first clients by spreading the word to your community about your business.

When developing a marketing plan, you should think about long and short-term promotions. Set some time aside to build advertising ideas for the future. When the time comes, you will have a base to customize according to different situations.  

Some pool cleaning businesses collaborate with pool supply stores to build their presence by placing their marketing materials there. Most local shops will be fine with you leaving flyers or business cards, if you ask first, of course. You could also consider posting flyers on bulletin boards in supermarkets, gyms, or coffee shops, for example.    

A fantastic tactic for your pool cleaning business marketing is word-of-mouth promotion. When using traditional marketing strategies for your business, reaching out to family, friends, and clients can be very effective. Further down the line, networking with new clients will help build up a solid service-based business. 

Create a Website

For your marketing strategies to have a significant impact, consider creating a website for your business. A website, especially a professionally built one, will help present your business as a serious and legitimate enterprise. Some people may be leery of trusting companies that don’t have websites.

There are several ways to create a website, use free templates, and claim a domain name to establish your brand. You can use templates on ThemeForest, TemplateMonster, and WordPress. Your website should have pages dedicated to describing what pool cleaning services your company provides.

A crucial element of your website is the contact information for your clients to reach you easily. You should include your business phone number, email, or online contact forms on your home page, on the contact page, or at the bottom of your web pages. 

Add Your Business to a Business Directory

Another tactic that would work for your pool services marketing is advertising through online directories for local businesses. If someone were to do a simple Google search for pool cleaning services, your business’ website might appear in the results. Typical search results include “pool cleaning services near me” and “cheap pool cleaning services near me.”

Creating Marketing Materials for Your Pool Service

One way to attract attention to your pool cleaning services is by distributing printed marketing materials, such as flyers and business cards, to the public. Some people prefer using printed material; others prefer advertising through television, radio, or other mass online marketing and communication methods.

Business Cards

One of the most effective printed marketing materials you can make is business cards. When you create a pool business card, you should include your business name, logo, your name, business address, phone number, and email address. If you have a website, ensure you include it on the card, along with any social media pages, clients can follow you on.


Some business owners like using flyers or stickers to promote their pool-cleaning businesses. Like the swimming pool business cards, flyers and stickers catch the attention of your future clients. If you include an attention-grabbing slogan, it might entice people to check out your services.

Digital Marketing Methods

Digital marketing offers many new venues for social networking. Many businesses connect with clients through LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and create digital material to promote their services through posts or ads.

Digital marketing materials include newsletters, chain emails, and blog posts. 

The Importance of Client Relationships and Referrals 

One of the signs of business success is the trust you build with your clients. If you make a great impression on them, clients will be more likely to use your services again and persuade others to use them. 

Long-standing customers may tell their friends and acquaintances of your excellent service, for example, which may be a factor in successfully closing more sales. For instance, your pool marketing plan may include a customer service line that answers questions about the company’s services. This will provide customers with a more positive experience. Even the tone of the people helping them matters when making an impression. 

Happy customers are also excellent assets when running your pool cleaning business, as they will generate referrals. As mentioned above, word-of-mouth promotion and online reviews are precious for a service business.

You may also want to encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews for your business. Positive reviews will encourage others to choose you over other providers. 


There are many ways to market your pool cleaning business and gain an audience of dedicated clients that will keep coming back. You can use several venues to promote your business and use many tools to track your progress. As with most service businesses, word-of-mouth recommendations will bring many new customers and become vital in establishing your brand. 

By building ongoing relationships with your clients, you build trust in your brand, encouraging them to refer you to people they know. The better connection you have with your clients, the more successful your pool cleaning business will become.

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Author Matt Gorman

Digital marketer who has researched extensively into field service industries, identifying problems and discovering solutions for your field service business.